Saturday, August 6, 2011

Start of Oviedo

      My first week in Oviedo went very well, I arrived here from the train on Sunday afternoon and settled into my room and started unpacking. I got to know the Poveda, which the is name of the building that we are all living in, and its very cute and homey. I met a few of the people in my program and they were all welcoming which made it easy to get adjusted. After hanging out in my room and unpacking for a while, I went out with some of the people I met and we went to one of the local bars and had to local beer, Mahou. We headed home and I went to bed because I had to get up at 8 for orientation for school. We went to a presentation about the University of Oviedo and it had some important information in it I'm sure, but it was completely in spanish and I am still adjusting so I probably understood 1/3 of it. Then came time for our placement test, we had to write answers to spanish questions and then we had to have oral conversations with one of the professors which was sufficiently awkward and uncomfortable. After making incorrect small talk with the professor, we went back to our dorms for our orientation to the AHA program which consisted of telling us not to bring alcohol into the building and all of that fun stuff. We then were free for the next hour or so before lunch so I hung out with my new friends Mekenna and Christina who live across the hall. Then we all went to the cafeteria for a subpar lunch and after lunch, a bunch of the guys who were here the last session took us the the mall here that looked like a spaceship. It looks very out of place and is architecturally different than anything else, but it was fun to go to.  Then we headed back to the dorms to siesta and hang out for a while before we went out at night to the plaza for some drinks.
   Late that night Sarah got in and I got to see her when I got home which was really fun, I'm really happy to have someone familiar here, especially to room with. We started school on tuesday, I placed into Intermediate II which I think is perfect for me because I understand everything he is saying, but it is good practice for me and I am definitely learning alot. My teacher's name is Pablo, which I love and then from 1 until 2 at the end of the day, we have conversation class where we mostly just talk in spanish and play random games and my teacher for that is named Victor. I like both of them and they are both helping me practice my spanish, so the school aspect of being here is going well. Every day we have class from 9:30 until 2, then we go home for lunch usually followed by a siesta and then on the few sunny days a few of us girls go over to the park to lay out in the sun and talk, and then we get up and get some ice cream. My first week here has been a wonderful start and I am loving spanish life so far, and I like being able to understand and speak the language well enough to live here.
   So far so good, and I will update soon with pictures from my few adventures and our fiesta with sidra, the traditional drink here, on friday night that we had with everyone from our program, people from our classes and our professors. Bound to be a winner of a night.

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