Sunday, August 21, 2011

Oh Man

         We set our alarm to wake up at 6:30, so that we could finish packing leave at 7:30 and get to the airport by 8 for our 9:30 flight. Apparently, we subconsciously decided that we would have to go out of here and leave this place the same way we came in. In a ridiculous and stressful fashion. Sarah and I woke up simultaneously at 8:20, and that called for a gigantic fuck as we popped out of bed and I jumped out of my top bunk. We packed, got dressed and bounced from our room by 8:32 or so, went downstairs checked out and literally ran to the taxi stop and told the guy we were in a hurry because at this point it was 8:40 and the airport was at least 20 minutes away. We eventually made it to the airport at around 9:06, ran up to the kiosk thing and got our boarding passes, then we got to security and it was a huge line so I asked the lady if we could skip it or if there was anything we could do since our flight was already boarded. She kindly let us go in the elite security line and we made it through with 7 minutes to run to our gate and get on the plane. We got there, got on the plane and found our seats at 9:27. Probably the most ridiculous morning, and the most travel stressful weekend of my life. To top off the ridiculousness, our entire flight was full of fathers and priests from a youth group going to Madrid for some world youth day with the pope or something (the pope was in Oviedo the day before we left and everything was really fancy all day). One of the fathers asked us if we were participating in world youth day which I found ironic since we were coming from Amsterdam and we werent exactly being holy all weekend. So we made it on the flight and were on our way back to Oviedo. What a weekend.
Here are some pictures from our trip:

Dam Square

coffee shop cat

coffee shop

our neighborhood and pancake spot

After a 3 hour plane ride and a 5 hour train ride, we finally made it back into Oviedo around 8:30 and we settled in and told everyone our stories about our crazy weekend. If there was one picture to sum up Amsterdam, I would say it would have to be this. 
sweet life

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