Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Half Way Gone

    The second week in Oviedo went well and by pretty quickly, by the end of it, it was hard to believe that it has already been half of our session. I still sortof feel like I just got here, but I feel closer to the people here, so in that aspect I feel like I have been here for a while. We had school every morning and then our afternoons consisted of random siestas, walking around in the park or around the town. On tuesday, I went on one of the excursions put on by our program to the neighboring town called Gijon, which is supposed to be poppin. Mekenna, Christina and I walked to the train station after school and strolled and window shopped on the way. Mekenna was convinced that a bee or some other insect had flown up her shorts and bitten her ass, so she freaked out and then proceeded to stand in front of a shoe store and remove her shorts to check out the situation. Needless to say, I could hardly control my laughter, and the spaniards have yet another reason to think americans are insane. We got to the train station and met up with the four other people that were going on the excursion, we took the train to Gijon and got off to meet up with our program director, Carmen. She had set up a tour of the Roman baths for us at 5 and we got there at 4 and the three of us wanted to eat, but Carmen insisted that we didnt have time. So the three of us concluded that she was lunatic, and we went to go sit down and eat some croquettes (really popular here) and some salad thing. The most popular food here is seafood, which I dont eat, so I've bee eating an array of pizzas or burgers or kebabs (really popular with the guys in our program). After we finished eating, we walked over to meet them at the baths and they were all sitting there just waiting. I was like no time my ass. The Roman Baths were actually really cool to see and I was glad that I went to see them. They had preserved the original structure and made it into a museum, so it was interesting to see the really old rocks that men used to soak in. 

      After we saw the baths, Carmen took the group out for really good ice cream, which I of course got all over my face. The three of us headed back to the train station to head home because we were exhausted. 
Mekenna, me and Christina in front of the beach in Gijon
           After we got back to the Poveda, we napped before our nighttime festivitiesThe rest of the week went along swimmingly and I had my midterm on thursday afternoon, I feel like I have been learning so much here and my spanish has improved like crazy just since being here. Apparently I am learning in a productive way because I got a 9 out of 10 on my midterm, woohoo. The end of week two and the first half of my program was celebrated with a trip to Amsterdam which I will update about as soon as I remember what happened there. 

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